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Ejemplos De: Who Are You?

Mostraremos algunos ejemplos básicos de la pregunta en inglés Who are you? o en español ¿Quién eres?.

Who Are You?
¿Quién eres?

Good Morning
I'm your teacher
Who are you?
I'm Lisa
I'm a Student
I'm a girl
You are Carla
You are a Law Professor
You are a woman
She is Nancy
She is a Nurse
She is a woman
She is my sister
She is Nina
She is a Doctor
She is a woman
She is my sister
You are Carl and John
You are engineers
You are a man
We are Bart and Lisa
We are cooks
We are brothers
They are Max and Terry
They are futbol players


  1. La correción de esta oración "You are enginiers" seria:
    You are engineers.

  2. La corrección sería en el Presente Simple o en el Presente Continuo
    Dice: we are cooks
    Debe decir:


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